America's Teaching Zoo is a five acre living classroom for the Exotic Animal Training and Management (EATM) Program at Moorpark College. It is open to the public on weekends from 11 am to 5 pm. This zoo is home to over 150 animals, including tigers, leopards, ocelots, ostriches, alligators, and more. EATM students are required to provide the care of these animals. America's Teaching Zoo at Moorpark College is a small, family-friendly zoo. With more than 100 different species of animals, the zoo is a unique experience for both kids and adults. The zoo provides close-up interactions with the animals, and offers animal presentations, big cat feedings, and animal demonstrations. Unlike other zoos, America's Teaching Zoo is student-run. Second-year students, for example, are responsible for the welfare of zoo animals. They are also responsible for collecting the animals for each semester. Students are expec...